It also includes the location of your skin's clear pores to ensure that it was you who was trying to access the device. This kind of match used not just the whirl of your fingerprint. It has a fingerprint sapphire crystal sensor which unlocks the phone only if the pattern matches. As we know, face ID has its benefits as well as drawbacks, fingerprint also owns many benefits, drawbacks you should know. There are two main options for those who are looking for an app to secure their devices that entirely rely on Face ID. Rather than most of us rely on two critical elements of our fingerprint data that only we possess and no one else. Now the question is: Face ID VS Fingerprint Which is more secure? And which one is to be chosen? Therefore, we must know about security apps to protect our phone and personal data. We have to keep it safe from cybercriminals. Our data is the most precious asset for us.